Two good pieces of research that show the efficacy of one of our favorite tools for helping with disc injury pain and radiculopathy. Flexion-Distraction is a low impact, high return tool that we use.
It helps create space in the area of pain, possibly helps rehydrate the disc and creates a flossing movement. We have had some great results with it and and I have been treated with it and had great results.
Ask your provider, if it is not us, if it’s right for you. Call and schedule an appointment with us today and let us help you.
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Gudavalli MR, Cambron JA, McGregor M, et al. A randomized clinical trial and subgroup analysis to compare flexion-distraction with active exercise for chronic low back pain. Eur Spine J. 2006;15(7):1070-1082. doi:10.1007s00586-005-0021-8 Pi T, Chung Y. Immediate Effect of Flexion-Distraction Spinal Manipulation on Intervertebral Height, Pain, and Spine Mobility in Patients with Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science. 2021;10(2):235-43.
Flexion-Distraction Most Effective Choice For Radiculopathy European Spine Journal: "...subjects categorized as chronic, with moderate to severe symptoms, improved most with the flexion-distraction protocol. Subjects categorized with recurrent pain and moderate to severe symptoms improved most with the exercise program. Patients with radiculopathy did significantly better with Flexion-Distraction." Gudavalli MR, Cambron JA, McGregor M, Jedlicka J, Keenum M, Ghanayem AJ, Patwardhan AG. A randomized clinical trial and subgroup analysis to compare flexion–distraction with active exercise for chronic low back pain. European Spine Journal. 2006 Jul;15(7):1070-82.

Paul Britt
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