Easing foot pain by squeezing your glutes?
On of our go to exercises for foot pain has always been glute squeezes. Well, the research has caught up with us! Studies show that strengthening your glutes can help with increasing and strengthening the arch of your feet.
As you see in the video, can’t hold the fart in without getting your feet to fire as well. Give it a shot and see how it works.
Glute Strengthening Can Improve Foot Arch Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation: "The addition of gluteus medius muscle strengthening exercise to foot exercise was more effective in supporting the medial longitudinal arch than performing foot exercise alone." Engkananuwat P, Kanlayanaphotporn R. Gluteus medius muscle strengthening exercise effects on medial longitudinal arch height in individuals with flexible flatfoot: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation. 2023 Feb 23;19(1):57-66.
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Paul Britt
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